What should I know before considering a hair-transplant in Guwahati

Hair transplant is a major step those that decide to opt for it. And like any other major decision, it is imperative for hair patients to be aware of what they are getting into. They are a set if pre-instructions of hair transplant that the patients must consider as a part of pre-preparation for hair transplant. Here is a list of things to know before the hair transplant procedure.

1. Types of Procedure

There are two basic categories of the procedure. The FUE or Follicular unit extraction is a process wherein single units of hair is taken for an area of abundance and the transplanted into an area of scarcity. Another common procedure is Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), this method involves a strip of hair or a bunch of units that are extracted and placed into the area that needs transplantation

2. Economies of the surgery

It is important to consider the entire procedure cost before going into surgery. One of the most important things to consider is how post-surgery care is usually more expensive and time-consuming in non-hair transplant procedures.

3. Complications and risks

While researching on things to know before hair transplant be sure to look out for risks and complications. The fact remains that despite very few adverse effects being there, it is always advisable to be aware of what they could be. Very few complications may arise and they could range from minor swelling to slight pain. Any more severe complications can demand the doctor's immediate attention

4. Pre-instructions of Hair transplant

Simple things such as to maintain scalp hygiene are important even pre-procedure. Avoid eating spicy food or intense work out that may result in sweating. Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol. It is best to not have these in your system if you are planning on going under the knife for your hair care procedure.

5. Credentials of the clinic and the doctor

There may be a number of non-credible clinics that could make tall claims and cause more harm than good. It is important to research well on the feedback of previous patients, Check the credentials, expertise, and experience of the doctor involved. Besides that, it is also advisable to actually access the clinic the procedure will be taking place in. This also gives you a fair idea on how the set-up is, is it reliable or not. The clinic must be clean, having basic amenities and legally set up.

These are few of the pointers to keep in mind before considering hair transplant surgery. Be aware, take the right decision.e...

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